Rainy season and gut-liver health- By Dr Vishal Khurana Senior Gastroenterologist


Monsoon`s effect on liver and stomach


Rainy season bring risk of disturbed digestion and can cause food or water borne diseases


food or water borne diseases in monsoon

1.      Stomach infections  or Gastroenteritis is common health problem during the rainy season. Patient usually present with vomiting diarrhea and pain abdomen. It is caused due to the consumption of unhygienic foods and water. This is a preventable and treatable problem. Drinking boiled water, drinking plenty of fluids, avoiding street food and consuming only home cooked food helps in its prevention

2.      Typhoid: It is also caused due to poor sanitation. This means consumption of improperly cooked food and unhealthy water. It is casued by S. Typhi bacteria. Keeping a hand sanitizer with you at all times, refraining from consuming street food and drinking healthy fluids will help you prevent. Patient present with fever, pain abdomen, vomiting, sore throat, dirrrhoea.

3.      Cholera: Cholera is an acute diarrhoeal infection caused by ingestion of food or water contaminated with the bacterium Vibrio cholera. Diarrhoea and vomiting are the most common symptom of this monsoon disease.

4.      Jaundice:  Weakness, yellow urine, yellowing of eyes, vomiting and liver dysfunction are the symptoms of jaundice. It is cuased by consumption of contaminated water and food. Hepatitis A and E are two common form of viral hepatitis due consumption of contaminated food or water which mainly affects the liver. Common  symptoms areare fever, vomiting, rash, etc. 

DO`s and Don`t Tips To Maintain A Healthy Gut in monsoon


1.      Eat in moderation

2.      Consume lighter foods

3.      Have steamed or boiled veggies rather than raw ones

4.      Avoid refined sugar

5.      Consume natural probiotics. Consume homemade yogurt and buttermilk

6.      Choose lighter cooking oils that are easily digestible

7.      Drink lots and lots of water. It help flush out toxins from your system. Drinking water can also help boost your digestive system.



1.      Avoid heavy foods. You may feel like bloating, gas, acidity and indigestion.

2.      Avoid roadside fruit juices. Roadside fruit vendors tend to cut their fruits well in advance, there is risk of contamination if proper care not taken

3.      Avoid buying leafy greens. The dampness present in them can make them susceptible to germs.

4.      Avoid drinking water from any source other than sealed bottles and water purifiers.

5.      Avoid Gol gappas

6.      Avoid fizzy drinks as they reduce the mineral content in our body

7.      Avoid eating a lot of sea food.


Dr Vishal Khurana


Senior consultant- Gastroenetrology

Metro Hospital Faridabad

Mobile 7289840710




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